In response to the development trends of the international asset management market, research on key industry development issues such as "Asset Management Market System", "Fintech", "New Asset Management Instruments", and "International Competitiveness of Asset Management" have been conducted, to make specific recommendations for the reference of the competent authorities and help companies build connections with the international market.
Research on Asset Management Market System: including the "Impact of the Implementation of the EU MiFID II on the Asset Management Industry", "Study on the Establishment of a Database of ESG in Taiwan", "Study on How to Enhance the Internationalization of Custodians in Taiwan and Review of the Revision of Supporting Regulations", and "Study on the Implementation of Due Diligence Governance in the Asset Management Industry in Taiwan".
Research on the Fintech: including the topics of the "Research on the Development of Robotic Financial Advisors in Taiwan" and "Current Application and Future Development of Big Data under the Regulations Governing Personal Data Protection".
Research on New Asset Management Instruments and Business: including the topics of the "Survey Analysis of Fund Investors' Investment Behavior and Preferences (2017, 2021)", "Study on the Development of Alternative Investment Funds in Taiwan", "Feasibility Study on the Introduction of a Tiered Fund System", "Study on the Funds Sales System in Taiwan from the UK RDR System", "Study on the Development of International ESG Instruments", "Study on the Development of Niche Financial Instruments for the Elderly", and discuss the "Review of the Development of the Asset Management Market in Taiwan and Actions for Improvement" with reference to the asset management market research report issued by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in 2017.
Research on the International Development and Competitiveness of Asset Management: including the topics of "Enhancing the Competitiveness of Overseas Asset Management Business undertaken by Companies in Taiwan", "Challenges and Countermeasures for the Development of International Marketing Business in Taiwan's Asset Management Industry", "Opportunities for Asset Management Companies to Engage in the New Southbound Policy", and "Research on the Future Trend of Asset Management in Taiwan".